Awards 2004

Best Picture Overall, Flash Dir. Laurence Swanson

Best Director, Flash Dir. Laurence Swanson

Best Actor Jacob Jones-Young

Best Actress Sarah Sokolik

Best Narrative Feature Dissident, Dir. Karl Simpson, and Mark Huntley

Best Narrative Between 15 and 30 Minutes, Lick it Man Dir. Camille Carida

Best Narrative Under 15 Minutes, Learned Dir. Matthew Fortnow

Best Screenplay, TIE! Seder Dir.Mark and Heath Mensher and Flash Dir. Laurence Swanson

The Rockets Redglare Independent Film Award, Wallace Shawn

Best Animated Short, Age of Ignorance Dir. Jimmy Picker

Best Documentary Feature, TIE! Ras Cuba Dir. Susanne Moss and Stolen Childhoods Dir. Len Morris/Robin Romano

Best Documentary Short, Plastic Warriors Dir. Amy Tall Chief

Best Experimental Feature, The Loneliest Time of My Life Dir. Joel Lee Kulp & Aaron Christian Harms

Best Experimental Short, The Chase Dir. Young Kim

Best Rockumentary, Bellmore Dir. Frank Fusco

Best Music Video - Pop, On That Stage Dir. Jonathan Yi.

Best Music Video - Hip Hop, Shop Rockin Dir. Alexander Kane


Toys in Babeland Award for Excellence Sexual Theater, Trip and Go Naked Dir. Chris Fiore

Toys in Babeland Award for Taking Naomi Wolf to the Movie, Portrait of a Political Artist at Work- Dir. Carolyln Kane

Toy in Babeland Award for Our Bodies Ourselves, Nipple Movie Dir. Seth Johnson

Carlos Castandeda Award for Dreams Can Come True, Dream Lover Dir. Anthony Di Salvo

Marvel Comics Award for the Poweful Superhero Ever, Lick it Man Dir. Camille Carida

The Spint PCS "Can You Fucking Hear Me Now" Award, The Message Dir.Vicky Kuperman

The Henry Kissinger Award for Republicans Just Want to Have Fun , Pirate Transmissions Dir. Jeffrey Velasquez/Milton Escalante

The Rodney King Award for "Why Can't We All Just get Along," Red Eye Dir. Kevin Gordon

The Ron Popeil Award For Mastering the Soft Sell, Erecto-Stop Dir. Fiona Walsh

Paddy Chayefsky Award for Putting the Reality Back in Reality TV, America's Deepest Feeling Dir. Joe Quinn

FCC Award for Joyful Political Incorrectness, Lesbian Slayer The Liquid Tapedeck

Dr. Phil Award for Excellence in Domestic Communication, Death Ray Dir. Joe Renz

Nevada Smith's Award for Nostalgic Soccer Hooligans, In the Blood Dir. Greg Hotlaking

Tiger Beer Award for Anything Vaguely Asian, Asian Elephant Art and Conservation Project Dir. David Ferris

The Naked Juice Award to Remind Us Fat, Drunken and Stupid is No Way to go Through Life, The Journal Dir. Steven Burger

Ted Nugent Award for the Biggest Fuck You to PETA, Turkey Slices Dir. Kodiak Jurkiewicz